Every Woman deserves to look beautiful

Facebook Twitter Instagram Meagan Duckitt Creations From a young age she loved art and fashion in any shape or form. This love soon developed into a skill, and after receiving the help and support of her family, she developed this skill to its full potential. Inner beauty makes outer beauty more Beautiful The words that […]

Facebook Twitter Instagram MARETH | COLLEEN is a small business based in Woodstock, Cape Town founded by Colleen Lesch and Mareth van der Walt. We love effortless clothes that celebrate the female figure – bonus points if it’s locally manufactured (yay for smaller carbon footprints and boosting the local economy!) and it’s simple and stylish enough […]
Stepping Into 2021

Facebook Twitter Instagram Gerries / Designs Hi everyone, happy new year! I hope that you are all safe and well? This has been a very tough and trying past year and going into the new year we were once again brought to our knees with the second wave of the pandemic. But with every human […]

Facebook Twitter Instagram Belhauzen Creations From passion, love, luxury & a desire for sustainable fashion, our Chief Designer, Belinda, shares her elegancy through each and every unique piece BELHAUZEN offers the beautiful woman of this world. With a fiery business approach our CEO offers our brand a sustainable drive to ensure our business offerings reflects the […]